Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Man and His Blog

Here begins my ascent, or descent depending on your opinion, into the ranks of the technologically savvy. I have followed the masses in computer generated self expression, beginning with Facebook, and now, moving onto blogging. Why blog? This is the question which first came to mind when I began to draw an interest into blogging. I have found in attempting to answer this question many reasons for doing so, some selfish and some perhaps even “altruistic.” First and foremost, I, like most, have the desire to express my beliefs, opinions, and experiences. I have found in my reading of numerous blogs that the action provides a medium by which the writer can communicate his opinions concerning a number of topics, ranging from the philosophical to even the mundane; posts regarding the nature and existence of God, the problems with America, and a person’s favorite Simpsons character are all considered topics worthy of mentioning. In addition to this, the action of blogging itself seems to help clarify the beliefs and experiences of the individual in the very act of writing them out. It is my hope, that my blog will allow me to voice my opinion as well, clarifying my thoughts, and even act as an outlet for the airing of grievances (Seinfeld anyone?). Yet my intentions don’t end here; it is my hope that my blog will act as a means for others to laugh, be encouraged, and maybe even be inspired. With that said, we move onto the next question, and perhaps the most important – what in the world am I going to write about!? Well, being the Renaissance man that I am (pauses, raises brow and smiles), I have a number of interests: theology, philosophy, art, movies, video games, music, food, and on and on. In general, this blog will follow through the thoughts, questions, and experiences which I encounter living day-to-day upon our majestic blue marble called earth. It should be noted, that as in all blogs, this one will come from a specific perspective. I am a Christian (of the Lutheran persuasion), father, husband, student, blue-collar working, American, Caucasian, somewhat nerdy male, all of which will influence my thoughts and posts. While you most likely won’t agree with everything I write, it is my hope that through this blog, it will grant you insight into another individual’s life, experiences, and culture, and encourage you to think about and engage with the ideas presented, and hopefully spark further discussion. With all that said, without further ado, here begins the journey of a man and his blog.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! I love's a great way to find like-minded people, to organize my thoughts and to express opinions. My blog is mainly about weddings and photography, but I've expanded it to include just about everything. I find blogging to be cathartic as well..I hope you enjoy it!

  2. I am now a proud follower of 3 blogs so far.Each one has it's attractions for me..I can't wait to see where this newest third blog will take me...

  3. I can't wait to read more. By the way you are an excellent writer. Keep up the good work.

  4. I hope you don't mind..I already linked your manly blog to my very girly blog....

  5. Hi Nephew,
    You are an excellent writer! I look forward to reading more!
    Love you,
    Aunt Bon
